22.1.1. Requirements and installation


  • Docker Engine >= 19.03

  • Docker Compose >= 1.14

  • Python >= 3.6

  • Git >= 2.17




NextGIS Web Docker on MacOS should be used only for development and testing purposes.

We recommend using Brew to install modern version of Git:

$ brew install git



NextGIS Web Docker on Windows should be used only for development and testing purposes.


Developing nextgisweb using ngwdocker requires enabling a number of features that are disabled by default in Windows. Instructions for enabling them are given below. Pay attention to the newlines setting (CR/LF) and the symlinks in git.


Use Docker Desktop for Windows wich includes Docker Engine, Docker Compose, Kubernetes ans some other tools.

  • Docker Desktop for Windows uses Hyper-V which can’t be used together with VirtualBox.

  • Hyper-V available only on Windows Professional or Enterprise editions and not available on Windows Home Edition.

  • Hyper-V should be enabled before Docker Desktop for Windows installation - see Hyper-V instructions.

  • After install, select a working drive in options (will ask current user password).

  • Do not log into Docker Account.

Alternatively you can use Docker Toolbox for Windows wich is legacy and less convenient solution. It uses Oracle VitrualBox and can run on 64-bit Windows 7 and higher.

  • Working directory should be located under C:\Users folder. Only folders under C:\Users allowed to be mounted as docker local volume.

  • Port forwarding use by default instead of localhost, so use instead of http://localhost:8080 in instructions below.


Use latest Python 3 release from Python Releases for Windows and then install required packages via PowerShell.


Install latest version Git for Windows. Two options are required:

  • Symlinks support: core.symlinks=true. Symlinks support requires additional permissions for non-administrator user - see symlinks instructions on GitHub.

  • Disable CR/LF conversions: core.autocrlf=input.

Both options can be configured during install or during git clone. You can check effective values using PowerShell outside of any git repository:

PS D:\> git config --get core.symlinks
PS D:\> git config --get core.autocrlf

If option doesn’t match expected value add to git clone options for each repository below:

PS D:\> git clone -c core.symlinks=true -c core.autocrlf=input git@github.com:nextgis/ngwdocker.git


Check that Docker installed and configured correctly:

$ docker run hello-world
Hello from Docker!

Install ngwdocker package using one of the following methods:

Method A: Into current user profile:

$ python3 -m pip install --user git+ssh://git@github.com/nextgis/ngwdocker.git
# Executable ngwdocker now located in python user directory. Binary
# directory location may vary on installation or platform. It can
# obtained with "echo $(python3 -m site --user-base)/bin" command.
# It can be added to PATH environment variable like this:
$ export PATH=$(python3 -m site --user-base)/bin:$PATH
$ mkdir ngwdocker
$ cd ngwdocker

Method B: Into virtualenv (or any other virtualenv wrapper):

$ mkdir ngwdocker
$ cd ngwdocker
$ python3 -m venv env
$ . env/bin/activate
$ pip install git+ssh://git@github.com/nextgis/ngwdocker.git
# Executable ngwdocker is located in env/bin directory which
# added to PATH variable during virtualenv activation.

Method C: Into virtualenv in editable mode for development purposes:

$ git clone git@github.com:nextgis/ngwdocker.git
$ cd ngwdocker
$ python3 -m venv env
$ . env/bin/activate
$ pip install -e ./

Install nextgisweb package sources to package directory:

$ mkdir -p package
$ git clone git@github.com:nextgis/nextgisweb.git package/nextgisweb
$ git clone git@github.com:nextgis/nextgisweb_qgis.git package/nextgisweb_qgis
$ git clone git@github.com:nextgis/nextgisweb_mapserver.git package/nextgisweb_mapserver

Generate docker and docker-compose files, build container images and run web main application container:

$ ngwdocker
2020-02-04 19:38:42.942 | WARNING  | ngwdocker.context:from_file:44 - File 'ngwdocker.yaml' not found! Using default configuration.
2020-02-04 19:38:42.943 | DEBUG    | ngwdocker.context:load_packages:89 - Loading <module 'nextgisweb.docker' from 'package/nextgisweb/docker.py'>
2020-02-04 19:38:42.943 | DEBUG    | ngwdocker.context:load_packages:89 - Loading <module 'nextgisweb_mapserver.docker' from 'package/nextgisweb_mapserver/docker.py'>
2020-02-04 19:38:42.944 | DEBUG    | ngwdocker.context:load_packages:89 - Loading <module 'nextgisweb_qgis.docker' from 'package/nextgisweb_qgis/docker.py'>
$ docker-compose build
$ docker-compose up app
Creating network "ngwdocker_default" with the default driver
Creating volume "ngwdocker_data" with default driver
Creating volume "ngwdocker_postgres" with default driver
Creating ngwdocker_postgres_1 ... done
Creating ngwdocker_app_1      ... done
( A lot of log messages )

If everything is OK go to http://localhost:8080 where you should see NextGIS Web interface. Default administrator user is administrator with password admin.

For using ngwdocker with custom configuration file

Add a list of files argument to load packages from a custom configurations .yaml files:

$ ngwdocker ngwdocker_custom.yaml ngwdocker_additional.yaml