22. NextGIS Tracker hub для разработчиков¶
The endpoint for tracker API is track.nextgis.com
22.1. Send location packet¶
To send track points to NextGIS tracker hub execute following request:
- POST /ng-mobile/(string: guid)/packet¶
Post track points request
- Parameters
guid – tracker identifier
- Request Headers
Accept – must be
- <jsonarr
track points array
- Request JSON Object
lt (double) – latitude of track point
ln (double) – longitude of track point
ts (int) – timestamp
a (double) – elevation of track point
s (int) – satellite count used in fix
ft (string) – fix type [2d, 3d …]
sp (double) – speed
ha (double) – accuracy
- Status Codes
200 OK – no error
Example request:
POST /ng-mobile/971f1-ffc-0f7073/packet HTTP/1.1
Host: track.nextgis.com
Accept: */*
"lt": 0.000044915764204969081,
"ln": 0.000044915764205976054,
"ts": 1553418558,
"a": 5,
"s": 5,
"ft": 3,
"sp": 18,
"ha": 5
"lt": 0.000053898917045962894,
"ln": 0.000053898917047171271,
"ts": 1553418559,
"a": 6,
"s": 6,
"ft": 3,
"sp": 21.6,
"ha": 6
"lt": 0.000062882069886956708,
"ln": 0.000062882069888366482,
"ts": 1553418561,
"a": 7,
"s": 7,
"ft": 3,
"sp": 25.2,
"ha": 7
22.2. Check tracker is registered at tracker hub¶
To check if tracker is registered at NextGIS tracker hub execute following request:
- POST /ng-mobile/(string: guid)/registered¶
Check if tracker is registered request
Example request:
If registered at NextGIS tracker hub:
POST /ng-mobile/971f1-ffc-0f7073/registered HTTP/1.1
Host: track.nextgis.com
Accept: */*
{"registered": true}
If not registered at NextGIS tracker hub:
POST /ng-mobile/971f1-ffc-0f7073/registered HTTP/1.1
Host: track.nextgis.com
Accept: */*
{"registered": false}
22.3. Get track points¶
22.3.1. Short output 1¶
To get track points from NextGIS Web execute following request:
- GET /tracker/tracks/short?devices_id=(int: id1),(int: id2)&date_time_from=(string: ISO timestamp)&date_time_to=(string: ISO timestamp)¶
Post track points request
Example request:
GET /tracker/tracks/short?devices_id=14,23&date_time_from=2019-04-01T10:00:00.000Z&date_time_to=2019-04-01T15:00:00.000Z HTTP/1.1
Host: demo.nextgis.com
Accept: */*
"14": [
"lat": 52.08881305,
"h": 146,
"lon": 23.70545869
"lat": 52.08897581,
"h": 169,
"lon": 23.70549827
"lat": 52.08914306,
"h": 194,
"lon": 23.70550141
"lat": 52.09576269,
"h": 194,
"lon": 23.73853582
"lat": 52.09564859,
"h": 181,
"lon": 23.73879119
"lat": 52.09555082,
"h": 174,
"lon": 23.73889233
"lat": 52.09650613,
"h": 160,
"lon": 23.74376705
"lat": 52.09658299,
"h": 165,
"lon": 23.74365873
"lat": 52.09664014,
"h": 166,
"lon": 23.74351429
"lat": 52.09682634,
"h": 151,
"lon": 23.74517907
"lat": 52.09671756,
"h": 172,
"lon": 23.74514079
"lat": 52.09661784,
"h": 168,
"lon": 23.74519602
"23": []
22.3.2. Short output 2¶
To get track points from NextGIS Web execute following request:
- GET /tracker/tracks/short?devices_id=(int: id1),(int: id2)&date_time_from=(string: ISO timestamp)&date_time_to=(string: ISO timestamp)&array&srs=(int: srs)¶
Post track points request
Example request:
GET /tracker/tracks/short?devices_id=14,23&date_time_from=2019-04-01T10:00:00.000Z&date_time_to=2019-04-01T15:00:00.000Z HTTP/1.1
Host: demo.nextgis.com
Accept: */*
"14": [
"23": []
22.3.3. Full output¶
To get track points from NextGIS Web execute following request:
- GET /tracker/tracks/full?devices_id=(int: id1),(int: id2)&date_time_from=(string: ISO timestamp)&date_time_to=(string: ISO timestamp)¶
Post track points request
Example request:
GET /tracker/tracks/full?devices_id=14,23&date_time_from=2019-04-01T10:00:00.000Z&date_time_to=2019-04-01T15:00:00.000Z HTTP/1.1
Host: demo.nextgis.com
Accept: */*
"14": [
"lat": 52.08881305,
"h": 146,
"lon": 23.70545869,
"packet": {
"c": null,
"sat_gp": 11,
"did": 14,
"s": 0,
"t": "2019-04-01T13:05:57+00:00",
"sat_gl": null
"lat": 52.08897581,
"h": 169,
"lon": 23.70549827,
"packet": {
"c": null,
"sat_gp": 16,
"did": 14,
"s": 0,
"t": "2019-04-01T13:05:59+00:00",
"sat_gl": null
"lat": 52.08914306,
"h": 194,
"lon": 23.70550141,
"packet": {
"c": null,
"sat_gp": 16,
"did": 14,
"s": 0,
"t": "2019-04-01T13:06:01+00:00",
"sat_gl": null
"lat": 52.09637467,
"h": 162,
"lon": 23.74533841,
"packet": {
"c": null,
"sat_gp": 13,
"did": 14,
"s": 0,
"t": "2019-04-01T17:27:01+00:00",
"sat_gl": null
"lat": 52.09631452,
"h": 160,
"lon": 23.7454654,
"packet": {
"c": null,
"sat_gp": 16,
"did": 14,
"s": 3.7439998626708983,
"t": "2019-04-01T17:28:07+00:00",
"sat_gl": null
"lat": 52.09634283,
"h": 162,
"lon": 23.74561459,
"packet": {
"c": null,
"sat_gp": 18,
"did": 14,
"s": 3.312000060081482,
"t": "2019-04-01T17:28:33+00:00",
"sat_gl": null
"23": []